Meet the Spanish Latte, a Cousin to Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Iced spanish latte

If you’re a coffee lover, you’re in luck because as you already know there's no shortage of tasty and unique coffees from around the world to discover. From Thailand to Turkey, and Vietnam to Sweden, there are SO many interesting options to try. One such gem is the Spanish Latte, a velvety and rich coffee concoction with an intriguing history.

Read on as we explore the origins of this delectable beverage, learn how it’s made, and discover its surprising likeness to our beloved cà phê sữa đá.

The History of Spanish Latte

The story of Spanish Latte traces back to the early 20th century in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain. As espresso culture began to take hold across Europe, the Spanish sought to put their twist on the burgeoning coffee trend. In a bid to cater to the local palate, Spanish baristas blended condensed milk with freshly brewed espresso, creating a creamy and sweetened coffee delight – the Spanish Latte. This innovative concoction quickly gained popularity, not just in Spain, but also around the world.

How to Make a Spanish Latte

Preparing a Spanish Latte is a pretty straightforward yet artful combination of two main ingredients – espresso and condensed milk. To make this luscious drink, you start by brewing a strong shot of espresso using finely ground coffee beans (traditionally arabica beans are used, but we prefer robusta beans) and then condensed milk is poured over the espresso. The result is a beautiful layered coffee that kinda looks like a reversed Vietnamese iced coffee. Some variations include a dash of cinnamon or cocoa powder sprinkled on top, for extra flavor.

The intense, smooth flavor of the espresso complements the sweet, caramel-like notes of the condensed milk, creating a delicious balance of flavors.

Spanish Latte
Picture courtesy  of honbliss via Pixaby

Spanish Latte vs Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Despite originating from different corners of the world, the Spanish Latte and Vietnamese iced coffee share surprising similarities – just proof of how connected the world was and still is! 

  • Sweet Creaminess: Both beverages have a delightful and decadent creaminess that comes from the milk. While Spanish Latte relies on condensed milk, Vietnamese iced coffee is often made with sweetened condensed milk and sometimes topped with an additional splash of milk. Both options make a well balanced, strong cup of coffee, but with the Vietnamese coffee being slightly sweeter.

  • Iced Coffee Delight: Both drinks are typically served over ice, making them the perfect refreshment for warm weather – or whenever because it’s always iced coffee season right?
  • Cultural Significance: Both coffees have an important cultural significance in their respective countries. In Spain, the Spanish Latte reflects the rich coffee heritage of the nation; the Spanish famously carried coffee plants and seeds to other countries in Central and South America, which have now become coffee growing hubs. Vietnam also has a rich history with coffee which is reflected in the country's vibrant coffee culture.

With its long history and simple preparation, the Spanish Latte is definitely a must-try for coffee lovers looking to try something new. As you sip on this delicious drink, you’ll love how similar it tastes to a Vietnamese iced coffee, and this is one of the many reasons we love coffee, it has the ability to bridge the gap between different cultures and countries. From Barcelona to Saigon, coffee connects us all.

So, the next time you want a caffeine boost, instead of a boring old cappuccino, try a Spanish Latte or snag SANG Vietnamese coffee for a unique and delicious coffee experience.

SANG Vietnamese iced coffee